Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This picture shows one of the thanksgiving football games on TV. It was nice to just sit down with family and watch some football.
This photo shows the remains of the sweet potatoes after we were done eating. I used the spoon in the sweet potatoes as a leading line.
This is a cantaloupe turkey that my cousin spent 2 hours working on. I took a picture of this because i thought it was impressive.
This is my family as we are getting ready to enjoy our thanksgiving meal. It was nice having the family together.
This is a photo of my family as were in the car headed for our grandparents house. It was a cold rainy day as you can seen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This photo was taken at a country club called the Hawthorns in Fishers.I took it at the path leading to the entrance of the building. I took this photo at roughly 5:30 yesterday. This photo includes leading lines, repitition and framing.

The pillars leading down the path represent repitition. The path leading down through the pillars draws the viewers attention to the door at the very end of the path and is leading lines. Finally the two end pillars at the sides, the roof and the ground frame the picture.
My favorite part about this photo is the almost perfect repitition. It almost makes the photo seem like there is a mirror down the middle of the path. I had a choice to either put the door at the end of the path in one of the thirds but i decided not to because I thought this would look better.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This photo is of trees in the woods on south campus. I took this photo at around 11:30 when we did our photoshoot. This picture is backlighting because the light shines on the back of the main subject making it darker which are the trees in this case.

With this picture I was trying to show how bright the light was while making the main subject as dark as possible. This image capture my eyes as when we were deep in the woods where there was not much light. There was one spot where it seemed like the sun had shown right through the trees.

I think its really cool how the branches of the trees are real dark while the leaves are a lot lighter on the branches are a lot lighter. I also like how you dont exactly know what the photo is when you first look at it. I really enjoyed taking photos this week and think I personaly learned a lot about backlighting.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

This is a picture of a football being thrown by nick on on the basketball court. You cant really tell but the football was moving pretty fast when I took the photo.I also had to crop nick out of the photo by replacing his head with some fence.
I think I was pretty lucky to end up with this shot considering I was trying to get out of the way of the ball while taking a picture of it. I really like how the basketball goal blends into the backround. I also like how the football is in the rule of thirds.
With this picture I was trying to capture the football moving as fast as I could while having it completly still in the photo. I was also trying to take this picture at more of a birds eye view rather than strait on. I like how this picture turned out in the end and had alot of fun taking it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

In this photo i really like how you can only see the bottom half of the basketball. I also like the the tree that is growing vertical out of the ground. This picture isnt photoshoped because I didnt save the photoshoped picture at the school so i had to use this one>
My favorite part about this picture is how how it catches andrew so far off the ground. I also really enjoyed photoshopping this photo. originally Miss.Felix was in this picture but i was able to clone a tree were she used to be.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One thing i really like about this photo is that is that multiple objects in it work as repetition. Weather  its the leaves berries or even stems they all work.

In this photo i really like that the really close bananas kinda frame the farther bananas. I also like how the close bananas are a lot lighter than the farther bananas because of the flash.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is a picture of the bottom of the playground. I took this picture through a little hole near the latter leading up to the top of the slide. I like that you cant really tell what this picture is when you see it. I also like that the whole picture is dark exept for a small light shining through a hole.
In this photo the doors in the hallway serve as a frame of the basketball court. I like how the dark hallway leads to the light basketball court. I also like the reflection of the back wall on the court.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This picture is an example of leading lines because the wooden border is the line and the picture shows it going all the way down to the end of the playground. One thing that i really like about this photo is that it shows the wood chips really up close even though they are not the main focus of the photo. When i see this picture it reminds me of all the fun things i have done at horizon in the last couple of years.
This picture is leading lines because it shows the long lines on the bottom of the boat. I also really like the reflection of the trees and school on the like in the background.